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Romania during World War I

The situation on the Macedonian front throughout the First World War, largely depended on the situations of other fronts, especially Romanian.
Romania, which was rich in resources and oil was desirable ally by the two warring sides, but at the beginning it remained neutral, although it allowed flow of supplies through its territory for the Central Powers.
However, influenced by the success of the Russian army in 1915-16 and promises of new territories, in the summer of 1916 Romania signed secret agreement with the Entente powers (August 18, 1916) and declared war on Austria-Hungary on August 27, 1916.
At the beginning the Romanian army was successful, but soon after Germany diverted substantial forces on this front and under the command of the generals Erich von Falkenhayn and August von Mackensen, started a major offensive, in which Romania lost most of its territory and large amounts of grain and oil. In December 1916 the Central Powers occupied Bucharest.
The Government of Romania was evacuated to the northern parts and although help arrived from Russia in early 1917, it was too late because Russia had already been affected by inner changes (October Revolution) and soon withdrew from the First World War.
Romania was surrounded almost from all sides and was forced to sign an armistice with the Central Powers on 7 May 1918. With this agreement much of the territory of Romania passed into the hands of Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary.
On November 10, 1918 just one day before the signing of an armistice with Germany (end of WW1), and after the capitulation of all other countries from the Central Powers, Romania declared war on Germany. In the subsequent negotiations, the seized territories were returned to Romania along with Transylvania.
Romania, which at the beginning of First World War had approximately 7.5 million population, had 580.000 to 665.706 dead (civilians and military), which is 7.73% - 8.88% of the total population.
Romania during World War I

Romania during World War I

Romania during World War I

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