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WW1 Leaders - German Army Leaders - Part 3 - WW1 Information

WW1 Leaders - German Army Leaders - Part 3 - WW1 Information

1. von Falk, Lieut-Gen. (2nd Inf.-Div., Russ.Fr.).
von Falk, Lieut-Gen. (2nd Inf.-Div., Russ.Fr.).

2. von Rekowski, Gen. (39th Res.-Div., W. Fr).
von Rekowski, Gen. (39th Res.-Div., W. Fr).

3. Clausius, Gen. (91st Inf.-Div , Rusk. Fr.).
Clausius, Gen. (91st Inf.-Div , Rusk. Fr.).

4. Rusche, Gen. (92nd Inf.-Div , Russ Fr.)
Rusche, Gen. (92nd Inf.-Div , Russ Fr.)

5. von der Goltz, Gen. (Comm. of the troops for Finnland).
von der Goltz, Gen. (Comm. of the troops for Finnland).

6. Hofmann, Major-Gen, Chief of the East Army's Gen-Staff.
Hofmann, Major-Gen, Chief of the East Army's Gen-Staff

7. von Koch, Gen., Gov. of Kovno.
von Koch, Gen., Gov. of Kovno.

8. von Alten, Gen., Gov.of Riffa
von Alten, Gen., Gov.of Riffa

9. Prince Henry of Prussia, Lord High-Adm, Comm. in Chief of the Baltic fleet.
Prince Henry of Prussia, Lord High-Adm, Comm. in Chief of the Baltic fleet.

10. von Tirpitz, Lord High-Adm., Naval-Sec. of State, Founder of the Fleet.
von Tirpitz, Lord High-Adm., Naval-Sec. of State, Founder of the Fleet.

11. Koster, Lord High-Adm., Tactical Teacher for the Fleet.
Koster, Lord High-Adm., Tactical Teacher for the Fleet.

12. von Capelle, Lord High-Adm., succ. of v.Tirpitz.
von Capelle, Lord High-Adm., succ. of v.Tirpitz.

13. von Pohl, Adm.. Chief of the Naval-Adm.-Staff.
von Pohl, Adm.. Chief of the Naval-Adm.-Staff.

14. von Holtzendorf, Adm.. Chief-Adm. of the Naval-Staff.
von Holtzendorf, Adm.. Chief-Adm. of the Naval-Staff.

15. von Muller, Adm.. Chief of the Emperor's Naval-Cabinet.
von Muller, Adm.. Chief of the Emperor's Naval-Cabinet.

16. Behnko, Vice-Adm,, subst. forv. Capelle, State-Sec
Behnko, Vice-Adm,, subst. forv. Capelle, State-Sec

17. von Ingenohl, Adm., Chief of the main naval powers.
von Ingenohl, Adm., Chief of the main naval powers.

18. von Scheer, Vice-Adm. (II-nd Squad , Chief of the Adm.-St.).
von Scheer, Vice-Adm. (II-nd Squad , Chief of the Adm.-St.).

19 E. Schmidt, Vice Adm. (IV-th Squad . line ships).
E. Schmidt, Vice Adm. (IV-th Squad . line ships).

20. Hipper, Rear-Adm,. (1st lntell. Gr. of Cruis.).
Hipper, Rear-Adm,. (1st lntell. Gr. of Cruis.).

21. Koch, Adm., subst. of the Head of the Adm.
Koch, Adm., subst. of the Head of the Adm.

22. von Spee, Vice-Adm. (cruiser squad, of the battle of the Hilen Island).
von Spee, Vice-Adm. (cruiser squad, of the battle of the Hilen Island).

23. von Schroder, Adm -Comm. of the Navy-Corps, Antwerp.
von Schroder, Adm -Comm. of the Navy-Corps, Antwerp.

24. Souchon, Vice-Adm., Chief of the 4th Squad, in the Baltic,
Souchon, Vice-Adm., Chief of the 4th Squad, in the Baltic,

25. Meurer, Rear-Adm (IV-th Squad )
Meurer, Rear-Adm (IV-th Squad )

26. von Trotha, Naval-Capt. (Chief of the staff under Scheer).
von Trotha, Naval-Capt. (Chief of the staff under Scheer).

27. Mayer-Waldeck, Naval-Captain capit. at Kiautschou.
Mayer-Waldeck, Naval-Captain capit. at Kiautschou.

28. von Lettow-Vorbeck, Comm. in Chief in East-Africa
von Lettow-Vorbeck, Comm. in Chief in East-Africa

29. Franke, Lieut.-Col. (Comm. in Chief in S.W. Africa)
Franke, Lieut.-Col. (Comm. in Chief in S.W. Africa)

30. Zimmermann, Lieut.-Col. (Comm. in Chief in Kamerun W. Africa)
Zimmermann, Lieut.-Col. (Comm. in Chief in Kamerun W. Africa)

31. von Hoppner, Comm. Gen, of the Air-Forces
von Hoppner, Comm. Gen, of the Air-Forces

32. Graf F. Zeppelin, Lieut.-Gen.. Inventor and founder of Air ships.
Graf F. Zeppelin, Lieut.-Gen.. Inventor and founder of Air ships.

Excerpt from the book: Ратни албум (War Album) 1914-1918
Author: Андра Поповић (Andra Popovic),
Belgrade, 1926

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