1. Doctor Lazar Pacu, Minister of Finance to whom, owing to the absence of Mr.Pasic the Ultimatum was handed.
2. Stojan Protić, Minister of the Interior
3. Jovan P. Jovanović, Minister of Public works
4. Ljuba Jovanović, Minister of Public Education and Culture
5. Marko Djuričić, Minister of Justice
6. Dr. Velizar Janković, Minister of Agriculture
7. Dusan Stefanovic, Minister of War
8. Baron Giesl of Gieslingen, Austrian-Hungarian Minister who handed over the Ultimatum to Serbian Government
9. Slavko Grujić, Director of the Foreign Affairs Department who assisted at the presenting of the Ultimatum
10. Dr. Milan Šajinović, Chief of the Foreign Affairs political section.
Excerpt from the book:
Ратни албум (War Album) 1914-1918,
Author: Андра Поповић (Andra Popovic),
Belgrade, 1926