1. Branko Jovanović as Cavalry Colonel Commandant of the Cavalry division
2. Djordje Djordjević as Cavalry Colonel afterwards Commandant of the Cavalry division
3. Bozidar Srećković as Colonel of Artillery Commandant of the 1st Army artillery
4. Voj. Milojevic as Colonel of Artillery Commandant of the IInd Army Artillery
5. Milos Mihajlovic as Colonel of Artillery Commandant of the IIIrd Army Artillery
6. Svetislav Stajević, Colonel of Artillery, Chief of the Artillery section of the Ministry of war
7. Dusan Zvetković as Engineer Colonel Commandant of the Engineer troops of the IInd Army
8. Djurdje Lazić as Engineer Colonel Commandant of the Engineer troops of the IIIrd Army
9. Žarko Protić as Engineer Colonel Chief of the Engineer section of the Ministry of war
10. Petar Prokić as Engineer Colonel Commandant of the railway command.
1. Dr. Lazar Genčić, medical staff colonel, Chief of the sanitary affairs till Corfu
2. Dr. Roman Sondermajer, medical staff colonel, succesor to Genčić until Autumn 1917
3. Dr. Djordje Vladisavljević as medical staff colonel Chief of sanitary affairs at the time of the offensive
4. Milan Mitrović as veterinary Lt-colonel Chief of veterinary affairs
5. Dragutin Novaček, as veterinary Lt-colonel successor of Mitrović
6. Dr. Sima Karanović as medical Staff colonel Chief of the sanitary section of the Ministry of war

7. Stanko Cvetković, law-colonel, Chief of the field law service
8. Gojko Pavlovlć, law-colonel, successor to Cvetković in Salonica
9. Vlada Jovanovic as Colonel General Chief of the law service at the time of the offensive
10. Nikodije Stefanović, General, Commandant of the Serbian troops at Corfu.
Ратни албум (War Album) 1914-1918,
Author: Андра Поповић (Andra Popovic),
Belgrade, 1926