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Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece – Photo Gallery

At the Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki Greece, are buried the remains of the soldiers that fought in the Serbian, French, Italian, English and Russian armies, at the Macedonian front during the First World War. During the war at this area was located the Serbian war hospital, and many soldiers were buried nearby. After the war, the remains of soldiers from more than 250 cemeteries were transferred to this location.
The name Zeitinlik originates from the Turkish word for oil (zejtin), since this was the location in Salonika where during the Ottoman Empire people bought and sold oil (zejtin).
Within the Serbian army during the First World War also served many Macedonians, the names of which can be seen on the graves.
Number of soldiers buried in different sectors of the cemetery:

  • Serbian – 7441
  • French - 8.098
  • Italian – 3500
  • British – 1350
  • Russian - 493

Particularly interesting in the British sector is the tomb of Katherine Harley, the only woman buried at the cemetery.
More information on Zejtinlik military cemetery you can find on the following link (Wikipedia…)
Photos: OFF ROAD Macedonia
Date: 21.04.2018

Serbian chapel with ossuary - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece
Serbian chapel with ossuary - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel with ossuary - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel with ossuary - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Serbian chapel - Zeitinlik military cemetery - Thessaloniki, Greece

Soldier from Bitola - Muarem Ibraim - Serbian ossuary - Zeitinlik military cemetery

French chapel and cemetery
French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

French chapel and cemetery - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Russian monument - Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Zeitinlik military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Graves of British soldiers - Zeitinlik military WW1 cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Graves of British soldiers - Zeitinlik military WW1 cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

Graves of British soldiers - Zeitinlik military WW1 cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

The tomb of Katherine Harley (Kent, May 3, 1855 – Bitola 7th March 1917), 
The tomb of Katherine Harley (Kent, May 3, 1855 – Bitola 7th March 1917) - Zeitinlik military WW1 cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece

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